Ringer goes silent or reverts, probably lack of RAM
Through several different phones, my ringer has always been a .m4a file, and has always worked fine.
On the Touch Pro 2, however, I notice that my ringer sporadically goes silent. When I go to Settings, it appears to have reverted to Ring01 - Windows, but in actuality the phone doesn't even play that--it plays nothing at all.
I now suspect that if the phone happens to be low on free memory--typically due to my leaving Opera 10 open overnight--and a call arrives, the phone is unable to play the .m4a ringer, reverts the ringer to Ring01, but gets confused and won't play any ringer until the next soft reset.
Obviously, the phone ought to close Opera and play the ringer. But in the meantime...
I have now switched to a .mid file instead. I am hoping that this requires less free memory. I will also try to remember to soft-reset the phone every night.