Originally Posted by acorrea62
does anyone know how to set the new operal mobile 10 as the default browser when launching the browser from the touch flow screen? and how to delete the old opera?
1) Open Opera Mobile
2) Type opera:config into the address, this gives you access to tons of preferences
3) Expand the install bullet
4) Check Browser First Time Launch and press Save
5) Exit Opera
6) Restart Opera
The first time you restart it will take a while, and may even close without showing you the browser, but now open a link from e-mail or other source and it should use Opera to open.
Opera 10 does the link preview by default but the image you showed is a feature cooked into the rom, I assume that there is either a script or link that retrieves the image from a dedicated source stored on the unit, or maybe retrieve the images from the opera 10\profile\datastorage\ directory. but I havent investigated it but this is a guess...