Originally Posted by SeanNoxious
I noticed the issues on the metropcs data plan and some suggestions on how to get it to work but no follow up. (I might have missed it reading through 11 pages of fragmented metro info isn't exactly easily decipherable) Was metro pcs data resolved for android? I am actually trying to port my metro tp1 to android but am having data issues only thing really holding me back. If it was resolved can i get a more consolidated list of settings? Or best can someone update the wiki with metro carrier and post a link? If anyone has an idea on what might work and wants me to run through it on my phone i am willing and able shoot me a pm or whatever. I would really like to start getting into the dev part of porting droid to these and other phones but need to get it in more of a working order so i can use it regularly and test it out.
TLDR version: Were the data issues resolved for metropcs? What are the settings that resolved it?
As far as I know MetroPCS data is not working yet. This is based on other threads in this forum and other forums. I see you have offered services to help with development on the data issue in a different thread. You might try to PM eval_ to help find the direction you need. Good luck.