Originally Posted by aiverson23
Noted........But theres no way to make it so that when I click the message it goes into the skinned WM messaging? Because right now if I click the message it goes to manila. If I click menu->Reply it goes to the old WM messaging using tmail and I cant see any of the previous texts (like a blank email). and if I click All Messages -> then click a message it goes into the HTC/skinned WM messaging.
Not that I know of. NRG has said in the past that he has it set up this way for a reason. I've just gotten used to not hitting the messages anymore and just going to reply instead.
Originally Posted by supernoman
I can't seem to get tethering working on the April 1 23554 Cookie install. I'm on Sprint and used the Energy sprint provisioning cab. Wifi router works but ICS just tells me waiting for network.
I'm having this problem too on the GTX theme too, it's quite annoying too. Having disconnect issues too. I've found it works better (read: doesn't hang up on the
waiting for network stage) if you go into the wireless controls and turn off the data connection before you plug the phone into the computer and select
Internet Sharing. Hopefully that will work better for you too, until this issue is resolved.