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Old 04-05-2010, 01:37 PM
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Re: Request for T-mobile 6.5.5 ROM

Originally Posted by rawhide85 View Post
bike- I am new to WinMo and I have been searching for a TmoUS shipped rom (2.10.531.1) and have had no luck. I have flashed the HSPL2 and want to try different custom roms but I am waiting for an OEM to revert back to. I would like to dump my rom but...being a noob...I have'nt found an easy way. Any help will be appreciated. rawhide85
Just use the 2.10.531.0 rom its still a shipped rom, with basically no difference to the 2.10.531.1 rom. Dumping the rom wont let you flash it as a shipped rom, you would need to flash it like a custom rom. Kind of defeating the purpose of flashing back to stock
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