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Old 04-05-2010, 11:40 AM
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Re: does android have teather?

Originally Posted by Dragon2 View Post
I use easy tether from the market.... its a free download on your pc as well vs paying money for pdanets.... atleast I haven't had to pay...
hey dragon i was in the same boat as you a couple of weeks ago about not rooting, last week i finally rooted my n1 and this thing flies man. Before the root if i stop all programs with a task killer i would always be around 80mb free, now after rooting and killing all apps i'm around 240 mb free, as you can see its a big difference. Also you thought your snap dragon was fast, no it gets even faster and the cyanogen rom isn't even overclocked. The main reason i did it was to have wifi tethering but all of the other pluses have been a big bonus. At first i was mad because of some of the changes he had made like changing the 3g sign to an H (H for hspa or hspa+) or on the power control widget the green bars had been changed to cyan blue but then i found out about morphs which helped me change it back to normal. I thought i couldn't love my n1 anymore, boy was i wrong.
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