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Old 04-05-2010, 06:37 AM
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Re: Sero users dont be fooled

Here are some specifics, pretty much mentioned here but let's try to have an executive version of it all...

There are 2 types of SERO plans, we'll call them OLD SERO and NEW SERO:

1) It's very difficult to get an OLD SERO plan now, you'd pretty much have to buy one from an individual. No amount of calling customer service will they give you one.

2) The NEW SERO, as mentioned is 59.99 for 500 mins, and if you do some searching for (Russ Mcquire) Sprint Employeed info, you'll have what you need to get one of these plans.

3) The NEW SERO plan is absolutely not suppose to allow employee discounts. Have heard of a few that somehow got a discount applied. But the rub is this, if you somehow manage to get an employee discount, it could simply disappear one day... because THEY ARE NOT SUPPOSE TO BE ALLOWED ON THIS PLAN, that simple. You have no argument.

4) The EveryThing Data Plan (69.99 for 450 mins) DOES allow an employee discount, which (as pointed out), if your discount was 25%, it would actually be cheaper then the NEW SERO and you wouldn't have to worry about the discount ever disappearing, as it's completely legit.

5) also, as mentioned, the NEW SERO won't qualify you for Sprint Premier status (allows 150 dollar upgrade every year instead of every 2 yrs) unless you have been a Sprint customer for 10 years (and that isn't plan specific, it's just 10 years). But with the Everything Data Plan you become Premier right away.

Note too, the OLD SERO, if you are lucky enough to find one someone is selling, DOES NOT allow the new phones, except those running winmo 6.1 (some of those will be upgraded to 6.5 such as the TP2). But almost all of the new high end phones ARE NOT ALLOWED on this plan, even though the plan does have unlimited data. It doesn't matter, they ARE NOT ALLOWED, period.

If you want to know more specifics about what is included in Sprints plans, please visit their website, the above info is more or less what isn't there, or not clear.

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