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Old 04-04-2010, 10:03 PM
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Re: UPDATED[04/03/10]V5 Blue Midnight 6.5.5 23554 Facebook,Reader,Doc tabs, MAX 3.0

Originally Posted by hunter7773 View Post
the rom runs and looks great. but need all carriers rom. this is only sprint . u got a all carriers 1 for me.

ps. got a question. radio 1 makes all calls add a 1 except voice mail. radio 2 sets all calls to normal but cause voicemail to dial a 1 first. how do i fix this.
I though I did an All Carrier. I'm sorry Hunter, since you all already got it installed. Run with it for now and I will update in a few days. If I didn't have so much trouble with MediaFire and my slow ATT DSL. Upload takes at least 45 mins. And then another 14 mins to download and 50% of the time the downloaded has errors. Building the rom is the easy part, get it uploaded

Need a carrier cab to correct the issue with voice mail and setting the phone to the correct values. I'm at work so I can't help till 01:00 hrs or later.

Question to all:
Has anybody ever used their phone to upload anything > 140megs? If so how was the speed?
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