Originally Posted by LuckyLui
Sad veryy sad
Getting disappointed w these roms lately, their not like the feb builds.. thats what im still running. so far the best in my opinion... the new ones well 
Agreed. And I would go back even further as to when his best builds actually were (Sept '09

). I tried the early March ROM's and there were so many issues with plain SMS, SIM card errors, keyboard mappings...all kinds of things. I think the packages and ports these days are just so complex, and clearly trying to get so many beta and dev constructed apps to work together the way he does is astounding (especially for VGA devices). Not to mention he provides both a complete ROM including ample eye candy, across many different devices it would be impossible for him to make it close to 100% perfect. Let's not forget he does this for free, and on his own time (where does he get so much time

), and left the TP behind a long time ago, and still provides us awesome ROM's says a lot about his contribution to the WinMo community.
Feel free to comment on specific issues you are having and hopefully someone can help you out, or move to another ROM - I am currently running SKI's 3/14, but have used Pskyi, Root, and like my signature states NSFAN's ROM's. But bitching about the quality, even if it's warranted, won't get you very far here.