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Old 04-04-2010, 02:26 AM
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Re: T-mo telenav $ 9.99 month ?

Originally Posted by izzyforreal View Post
That's bull, Dash. I'd like to go to T-Mo for the HD2, but I'm conflicted about the pricing. You're not fairly comparing services. At Sprint, I get unlimited calling (to mobile phones) AND unlimited web, including Sprint Navigation, for $69.99.

To get a similar plan at T-Mo, I'll pay $59.99 for calling, plus $30.00 for web and then $9.99 for Telenav. That's thirty bucks more than Sprint. Am I wrong?
I'm glad you put the parentheses up there to highlight the caveat in the sprint plan with the 69.99 plan you only get 450 'normal' minutes

with tmobile you get unlimited to same network, different network, landlines

and granted you may say well i only call my friends and THEY have mobiles too so it doesn't matter? what about the times you call the 800 number for the power company or the cable company or other random numbers where they put you on hold for 20-30 minutes... those 450 anytime minutes would get eaten up really quick

unlimited everything plan is 99.99 at sprint at tmobile by your breakdown it would come out to 99.98 [if you wanna fight about who is cheaper] so essentially the same
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