Originally Posted by mobius999
4/3 update is a generic battery support fix for CDMA. All I found anyways. A change log isn't really necessary, but a little head's up like that would have been sweet. That being said, I do appreciate Mackie taking the time to make the all-in-ones.
Boot: Yes x2 (occasional "wait" messages for Android.Keyboard and other modules)
Speed: Good x2 (It's even faster than a rooted Droid (Verizon) with 2.1 installed)
Data: Yes x2 (Not sure why but this build has better cellular based location tracking in FourSquare and Google/Google Maps)
Sleep: Yes
WIFI: Yes x2 (no WEP)
Audio - Phone: Yes - but volume is low x2
Audio - System: No x2
Screen: Good/Smooth
Reboots: Yes
Charging: Yes (however battery indicator way off - full charge in WinMo shows critically low battery in Android)
USB Connection: No
Verizon keyboard Mapping: Most keys map; some do not - mainly symbols x2
[Thank you once again to all involved in this development. The progress is outstanding!)
Good review by the way! very helpful thanks!