Originally Posted by p-slim
Wirelessly posted (Sprint TP2: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.1-update1; en-us; Nexus One Build/EPE54B) AppleWebKit/530.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/530.17)
You are confused. Regular sero plans will not work with android phones period, no matter when you got it or how pong you've had it, 29.99 sero and 49.99 sero will no work period, they will tell you that you need a SEP PLAN. Now as long as you already have one of the old sero plans you can b asked to be upgraded to the new sero plan I spoke of in the 1st post, the only thing is customer service reps may not always give that option and say you need to be on 69.99. I'm just letting current sero users know there is a sero simply everything plan as well which is $10 cheaper then the regular simply everything plan
Yes, but being on any sero plan prevents you from becoming a Sprint Premier customer, which requires a minimum $69.99 a month bill and allows you to upgrade every 12 months. For $120 more, I like the idea of being able to get the next new toy one year from now, i.e. EVO 2, rather than wait until 2012.
I am on the old sero plan @ $30 a month. I will be getting the EVO even if it doesn't work on sero. I'll upgrade to an ED plan and get a $10/24 discount and anything else I can get. It's worth it to me. Also, if 4G works as promised, I may just cancel my cable internet, save $45 a month and tether the phone to my computer.