Originally Posted by fatmac1982
Im would like to send a MASS message or messages via txting, instead of just typing out the names of each individual.....??? A cab file where you can choose from your list of contacts and click on whomever you would like to send the message too?
I've been using this for mass text messages or mms- but it doesn't quite offer what you're looking for...you can only select specific groups of people to send sms/mms to, based on their assigned category (you cannot select individuals from a list).
You can setup these categories, through the contact page on the phone itself, or through outlook (much easier IMO) if you use activesync, to sync your phone/contacts.
EDIT: From WM Messaging, you can also hit enter (soft kb or physical) to bring up your entire contact list...unfortunately there's no checklist for mass texting, but you can do this over and over again to choose multiple recipients