Originally Posted by theletterman
I wasn't bashing anybody, i really appreciate all the work you guys have done, i just didn't know if anyone knew a solution to the problem. the guy who responded didn't have to be a **** and could have actually tried to respond in a non-insulting manner. Oh and i did have the cab, that's how i figured out it wouldn't work if i tried reinstalling it. Sorry if i came across as an *******, you guys are artists with this stuff
Well the point is saying a snide remark about the artist should support their work is what set me off. Red and XYC are busy, but still make time to answer questions and then you complain that Red is being a a bit of a snob; I know you didn't use the words, but that is how it came off to me, when he said it was user error. I am sure if you PMed either Red or XYC they would have been happy to help. I know XYC will return Pm's and Red seems nice enough and is helping all around. Sorry, but I felt if you are not going to be patient and let them know your setup and type of swype then this stuff will happen.
So you have it working now, or is the skin still causing problems.
I know the swype cab I posted works with teh skins on this thread.