I don't see the problem is. I mean a newbie or even an old timer post a question that has been asked before, instead of berating them, just point them in the right direction or ignore it. But to continue to rattle on about how they should use the search feature, and they are blooming idiots because they did use it and it came up with thousands of meaningless dribble. Only serves to keep that thread on the top and not let it die in the old age post. I hate the search feature here, and think it suxs!!! I just Google it, maybe if i had taken the time to learn how it works, and how to phrase the question just right, I might have found the answer in almost the time it would have taken to post the question and have someone with a heart answer it. I have seen duplicate post here when 10 replies was berating the poor fool for not using the search (which he might have done, but couldn't find the results) and one that either answers the question or links him to the post. That duplicate thread would have died if no one but the considerate fellow posted. But it dragged on for days, always returning to the top because someone else had to throw his 2 cents in. I try never to post a new thread here, in fear that is was answered before. Berating someone makes this an unfriendly place.
Flame away if you must, I don't really care anymore.
But to those who answer the questions over and over again, I salute you!!