Re: why does the search here suck so badly????
I know how the search function works. I have used nearly identical search systems on numerous other forums. Even the sites I mod at suck with their built-in search. Google always yields better results.... which end up leading right back to the very site I came from. You can search, you can search with "quotes", you can do advanced search and use all sorts of specific criteria, but half the time it doesn't give good results or ends up with "0 results found" even though I KNOW for a fact that specific info is on there.... somewhere. But what really bugs meis when you perform a search, even an advanced one with quotes etc, half the time I get pages full of results that are mostly ROM Releases or updates. Gawd I hate that. Same thing happens on XDA. I end up giving up or trying Google ... and if that don't work, I end up postng a new thread about it or trying other forums. I figure I know it HAS been discussed, but I cannot find the right info related to it so SOMEONE has to know the answer if it exists on the forum someplace.
I don't know about you people, but on the boards I mod at, I ALWAYS try and help people, even if it has been asked a couple dozen times already. Newbs will be newbs. If people aren't familiar with the search system or their new device, they will run out and quickly ask a question. Often times it's out of frustration. I don't get all pissy and just go and tell them to "SEARCH" , I try and help them instead. Maybe they already tried the search and didn't find anything, I wouldn't doubt on that one. Or maybe they didn't know a particular subject was all so popular and went on and asked anyway... well.. because it was NEW to THEM. Don't be a grump just because you don't feel like answering or because you are fed up with the same posts, if you are going to be that way, then you should just as well keep your scorching to yourself.
I agree on the idea that a search tutorial should be made. Something like "How to use the search function and get productive results" .It would cut down on many of the repetitive threads. Perhaps put a link to this how-to in your sig and at the top of the board on EVERY forum section. Of course, you should make a little effort on helping the newbs still, and REMIND them while you're at it that a search exists along with a tut.