1)yes there is file explorer like apps
2)Battery life has more to do with the device and battery it carries not android
3)tb overall WM is far more customizable,simply put you just mentioned tf3d theres titanium,custom roms,touchX,SPb mobile shell.
4)Dont see whats the problem with getting the newest version thats almost what custom roms is all about getting the newest and better?
Yes Evo will be sweet and isnt called for fanboyism i love my tp2 but you just have to be awwweedd.. by the technology.
Originally Posted by rogelio rios
You can run androind on your tp2 so why switch? I tested the android and seriously warn anyone who switches .
1)has no file explorer so when you download alot of stuff its a mess to get to what you want
2)battery drains super fast
3)Not as customizable so your stuck
and the killer for me
4)When new innovative apps are present you must update or get upgrade to even use it.
Now that said there some good points but overall I have both on 1 phone now why trade and have only 1 phone? Good luck thou hope you enjoy it and your welcome back to the touchpro2 family any time. See you soon hahaha
Originally Posted by Dragon2
1. Dude, download astro file manager from marketplace free... solved.
2. My n1 has awesome battery life.
3. More customizable than tflo anyday. I don't no where ya got that
4.f you don't wanna update yes you can still use the app....
The Evo will be sweeeeet...