Re: Sense 2.5}}{{3-6-10 **Stealth Quick Links, Stealth Slider, No Curtains, BG4all +
Ok I think I did it now and I appreciate your help. But no sense having it in my list if it wasn't going to let me remove it. And I wish I would of just uninstalled it to begin with. But now I am at the last step installing new one again and I think the old one is gone. I'll double check my list. Yep it's gone and you even said I should of uninstalled it 1st so now it's gone and new one is installing. I deleted the old cab file so it's not even on my memory card anymore. Someone on the Sprint forum had directed me there and I guess I just got the wrong one.. But thanks again I'm all fixed. Time for bed
Originally Posted by santod
Yes you could do just that.
Uninstall the new one.
Then install the old one, it will say that it wants to remove the old one first, say ok, it will say it failed to remove, do you want to install anyway?
Say yes. Then it will install, when it's done and asks you to reset, hit CANCEL.
Then install it again, it will not prompt you to remove this time and will install.
Now reset. Then uninstall, reset, and then install the new one.
That is the process for removing anything you ever install on WinMo where it overrides an older mod and stops it from uninstalling.
PITA, but does the job. You decide if you want to do it.
It's actually not as long a process as it sounds. But long enough. 
Last edited by Rose4uKY; 04-03-2010 at 03:22 AM.