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Old 04-02-2010, 08:32 PM
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I need some help (Verizon)

First things first, how many refurbs does it take for Verizon to give you an alternate phone (Droid, Blackberry, something comparable to TP2)?

So I have had Verizon Touch Pro 2's since they first came out. I had my original one from September until November when the microphone went out. I was sent a refurb. That refurb got the rainbow banding in January, so I was sent another refurb (the phone I have today). This current phone now has the rainbow banding again.

I will be bringing in my phone tomorrow to Verizon to get my problem solved. I no longer want my TP2 as it has been nothing but problems

Does anyone have any suggestions that I could do, WITHOUT BREAKING MY CONTRACT and having to pay the Early Termination Fee. I am tired of the refurbs that do not work and want something new. Is there anything I can do to get a comparable phone swapped for my defective Touch Pro 2?

Any suggestions are welcome
Droid Incredible & Touch Pro 2 Running MightyROM & Android 2.1

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