Originally Posted by Formula84
I can't seem to get my Sprint Phone to get out of airplane mode with the 4/1, i was running the 3/23 and I had the same problem for a few starts but eventually I got my Phone and Data working...the 4/1 I have tried mutiple reboots without any luck....
Am I missing something that I need to do other than extracting an booting haret? I know to disable the backlight controls, but am I missing something for the radio to work. Each Time I have had Radio and data working in windows before rebooting...Any help would be appreciated.
You dont have the sim card in do you?
There are so many of us on Sprint without this issue, you could have some old files laying around on your sd card. Remove EVERYTHING not related to Windows Mobile. Then take the last package and unzip it and copy all the contents from the folder to the ROOT of your sd card. If you still have a problem after that, I would format your SD card and start over. Sorry but this is all I can suggest.