Originally Posted by jbh00jh
Have to agree completely with this post , the Plain 1.4 is the fastest , smoothest , most stable ROM offered in the Imagio Update Forum . I have tested all the roms and most of the updates and they can't touch this ROM.
It has everything I need on a daily basis and performs the way a rom should. If you want the BLING , that's what .cabs are for.
Great job Adortab . =D>
The thank you should go to all of us for testing and reporting issues...(not to forget cmonex (hardspl), etc...)... and yes, i agree too... i have been using the Customized Build - Other, and so far seems to be going pretty well, very stable, and fast so far... for next release ill be working on tweaking a little bit the new sense tabs added to this version... since landscape mode, they dont handle very well....thank you again... jbh00jh