Originally Posted by Meanee
- Faster CPU. Enough said.
- A phone that does not lock up.
- A phone that won't simply turn off all of a sudden (yesterday, I found it off 6 times during the course of a day. Battery was over 50%)
- More apps. And without outrageous WinMo marketplace pricing.
I will miss hardware keyboard. My first exposure to touch only phone was HTC Touch (Vogue), and I hated punching out SMS with a stylus. I've tried coworker's HD2 and texting was relatively easy. I am sure I can adjust.
I agree about the CPU, but the faster processor will also mean worse battery life. I'm hoping they find some way to balance it out cause if it sucks, I will NOT switch.
Lockups & power issues are often software-related. I'm running Mr. X's rom & even with multiple hacks & programs installed, I rarely have problems like this.
Do you seriously buy apps from the marketplace? Dude... I have like 20 or 30 apps on my phone, and I've only paid for 1 or maybe 2. Not saying I pirate, but you can find legit free software all over the internet.