Originally Posted by klimb22
So if they are posting a new thread, why aren't they seeing the similar threads automatically show up when they enter their thread title? Do we have to have new threads every single day about the blinking notification light, wallpapers, quicklinks, etc., etc., etc....Oh yeah, don't forget Opera.
I think this is the main reason you also see new posts everyday like "my question was ignored so I'm starting this new thread." It's because with a little bit of effort your answers can be found. The veterans of this site know this and are making you do your homework.
Ok let me correct it then..new people have bad spelling/formatting and google needs to fix it up to make it english...lol
Of course this will not single handedly fix 5 posts about same thing..but it will contribute.
When I type Manila 2.5 I get that nothing matching was found. The FORUM search doesn't like numbers, but the Google search gives back lots of good results. That is great that the forum offers their search, but you are saying we should use the google, then why have the forum seach. I do know that you can do specfic searchs, but make sure to not include numbers
Try "Manila 2.5" with quotes