Originally Posted by trphg
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thanks brother, if i werent on ppc geeks via mobile i woulda hit that thanks, but ill do it tonight.
it could most def be the cabs as i did some reg tweaks and installed the extended area code cab, the taskbar cab, and clean ram. one of them must be the cause. im just gunna weather it out and wait for r11 final to come out.
besides that, this rom makes me
tingle in funny place - in a good way
lol well the tingle in a funny place might be a bit to much info lol. well i have the extended area codes cab, a taskbar cab and clean ram installed and i'm not having any issues, but who knows maybe one of them didnt install right or something, i would just reflash the rom as we have no idea when r11 final is coming out deck has been dealing with personal issues, have a good one.