Originally Posted by nrfitchett4
because we spend hours in drivers ed. practicing typing and driving like they do?
I'm sure that they practice the scenario where they're typing on their computer and someone loses control of their breaks and the cop car slams into them because the cop was looking at his computer screen instead of the road.
Or the scenario where the cop is typing on their computer and following someone close enough to read the plates and the person in front of them slams on their breaks because a pedestrian decided to walk out in front of that car, causing the cop to slam into the car he was tailing because he was looking at his computer.
Or the scenario where the cop is typing on his computer and a little kid runs out in the middle of a street chasing a ball at the exact same time the cop doesn't have his eyes on the road.
(/end sarcasm)
That being said, when I text and drive, I do it under a few conditions. A) While stopped. B) When no other traffic is around. C) Only on long stretch of straight road with no stop signs. D) Non-residential areas. E) Only during the day.
Get my drift? Like I said, I know my limitations. I know that there are times where there are other factors that could lead to a dangerous situation, and I simply don't text at that time.
So, I will continue to text and drive, and do it safely as I have done year after year after year, thousands of texts while driving each year, safely.