04-02-2010, 11:23 AM
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Re: ║MightyROM.com║ ║Windows Phone®║ ║Sense UI 2.5║
Did you unlock your phone?
Originally Posted by eyepoker
i just got my tp2 yesterday and tried to flash with mightrom - it failed for some reason and the instructions told me to pull the battery, which i did. the phone cam back but tethering no longer works - keeps saying that my login isn't valid...
so, my question is how do i properly flash my phone - I see that its seems to be a good idea to run Task 29, then do the flash. Will that resolve the tethering issue? If not, what are my steps to resolve it (or should i ask this question in a different thread, don't want to clutter the this one)
Task 29 will not do anything to my sd card, correct?
I'm going to assume to return to "stock" i just reflash with the HTC WinMo updater?