Originally Posted by B5Z
I found whenever u change ur background it deactivates the home screen weather animation. So what I found is that if you change the weather background (click menu button on home screen to change) to be the same as ur home screen background it works. I just ran a test myself to confirm. Should be good to go...hope this is what u needed.
Ok, I think we're on the right rack here but I'm not following what you mean by "click menu button on home screen to change". I am running stock 6.5 with HTC Sense (not sure which version) but looks very much like TF3D. Maybe I'm confused between home screen and today screen? I changed my wallpaper by going to the settings tab and selecting wallpaper. I'm using one of the wallpapers supplied with the phone.
Please be more specific/detailed about this menu button on home screen instruction.