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Old 04-02-2010, 01:49 AM
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Wirelessly posted (HTC Touch Pro 2 (Sprint): Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows CE; IEMobile 8.12; MSIEMobile6.0) Sprint T7380)

mardukeme i hard reset immediately after i upgraded to 6.5 & did it just for the reason of doing the initial hard reset ppl claim is needed. i appreciate ur opinion but wonder if all that will remedy this ..... im just wishing answers these days werent always "do a clear storage" .. its not a comfortable feeling thinking i may have 2 set this phone up from scratch multiple times a month with a stock rom. my girl asks me all the time y i have to reset my phone so often & even questions why ive hard reset many times in the past comparing it to her never having to hard reset & seldom soft resetting droid powered, always reliable device.
poofy i liked firefox & tried it with 6.1 where i had program memory to spare & it created other apps that were open to lag harrrrrrd & with the severe lag i face already it wouldnt workout with this phone ... my luck or lack of luck with this phone is getting all things i need & prefer to run smooth all the time. maybe sumthing im gonna have 2 deal with as long as i use this device . . ?
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