04-02-2010, 12:20 AM
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Re: Have a TP2? Test Drive an EVO
Originally Posted by mobius999
I left Sprint 3 times within a month over the years, and never incurred the charges you mention. Perhaps it's up to the individual, but based on past experience this has been Sprint's policy for a long time.
Now AT&T on the other hand.... I bought an iphone the first day of release. Within a couple hours I knew it sucked. No flash, no downloads from the web, etc, etc. I went to return it less than 24hrs later. 10% restock fee ($60). When I went ballistic about this never being mentioned to me, the sales guy pulled out a bag, turned it around, and pointed to fine print at the very bottom stating the return policy. Of course this was faced away from me during purchase, and NEVER EVER mentioned (their policy was 30 day returns on every other item in the store). As I sat there watching, I saw 3 more sold, and each guy turned the bag around so the tiny return policy notification was facing away. Lol. Years later and I still have to vent=P
Well if this were 1826 we could just handshake and go on our marry ways. But it's 2010. You should know by now to read any and all fine print. Many salesmen and women have become "used car salesmen" and they're slimy and deceitful. Of course, if you had the money to buy an iPhone the day it came out, I'm not sure you really missed the $60 all that much, did you?