Data connection is always on, killing battery, used to turn off...
I've been using Calkulin's 6.5 SPB ROM for several months. One of the things I liked the most about it was that my battery would last a *long* time - I can usually make it all day and still be at 60-70%.
I've been messing around with the new kitchens, and loving 6.5.5 (since Calk quit with the ROMs, I've been having to cook them myself). The problem is, I don't know what piece of magic he put in there to keep the battery going so long.
I think the problem is that my data connection *never* cuts off. It used to go dormant when not in use. I even had Exchange push turned on, and still got the exceptional battery life in the old ROM. Does anyone know how to get the data to turn itself off when not in use? What did Calk do?