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Old 04-01-2010, 09:28 PM
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Re: [HOW TO] Gain Permanent Root on CL14 Out-The-Box and Backup/Restore Customization

I just found an XP home, and installed it in virtualbox the phone was recognized but the drivers installed wouldn't allow me to access the phone's SD card.

So I got the drivers from Sticky: Find Your Samsung Moment Drivers Here which allows me access to the phone's SD card and it's directories.

The Zefie kernel file is difficult to download, meaning what file should be downloaded? a lot of files there I scrolled through all of them ending up with these two.


So do both need to be installed? This guide talks about .7z but doesn't mention what the is or how to install it.

These instruction are a bit confusing.
1. Make sure your phone is not connected to your computer
2. Install Sprint Utility using default settings
3. Uncompress downloaded kernel using 7-Zip (if compressed)
4. Browse to C:\PROGRAM FILES\SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS\SWUPGRADE\MODELS\BINARY and backup exiting file, remove file after backing up
5. Making sure the BINARY folder is empty, copy kernel to the BINARY foler
7. Run SWUPDATE.EXE and follow the prompts, when successful you phone will reboot
8. Check build MENU>SETTINGS>ABOUT PHONE>BUILD NUMBER if it reads CUSTOM KERNEL VERSION you've rooted your phone

I have read 1 through 8 several times no where does it say to connect your phone to the pc.

I am guessing number 6 but number 6 doesn't exist, I am not nit picking I just want to make 100% percent sure I follow correct and accurate directions.

Number 1 says make sure your phone is not connected to pc, at what number should the phone be connect?
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