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Old 04-01-2010, 02:33 PM
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Re: [ROM] [03-05-10] MR.X Sense 2.5_2012 [Build 21889.5.0.87]

Originally Posted by boldaslove View Post
Okay, synced up the phone and using it now, it is most excellent. A few questions/comments I hope others can help with:

1. Wifi is acting wierd. Whenever I put phone into standby and power back on, the taskbar shows an E for where the wifi icon is. I hit the notifications area and there is no "Wifi not connected" even there for me to tap on to connect. When I go into the Comm Manager, Wifi is on, and tapping on it does bring up visible networks. I tried Eschelon's "KeepWifiOnWhenIdle" cab from MightyROM's first page that I was just using with MR, but doesn't do anything here.

2. Memory usage is good mostly, but currently I am running no apps and it's sitting at 76%. Does cleanRAM work on this ROM (only tried on stock 6.1, checking before it breaks anything). I don't know what I might be doing wrong, I just installed FDSoft Task Manager, and I am seeing "gwes.exe" is using 33164KB (33megs) right now if that means anything. Don't have Opera or anything even running in background.
Okay, I have pretty much solved the wifi issue with the regedit keepwifionwhenunattended, and memory usage I'm seeing is not that big a deal as fishingmedic explained. My main nag was the lag on the home screen, but I have come to a very good setting with CHT, 2 pages of 4x4, hide empty quick links, hide shortcut text back, hide icon frames and optimized animation. It's pretty damn good now.

New issue I just noticed is that I have the phone set to vibrate+ring on incoming call, but the vibrating is ridiculous and it lasts until maybe 1-2 seconds into the call even, how can I tame this beast without turning the vibrating off? Oh boy there's a lot of innuendos in there...

Originally Posted by boldaslove View Post
3. How do I make the doggone Albums close instead of minimizing when I hit the back arrow on a picture?
^^ And how do I do this?

Again I'd like to reiterate how badass this ROM is. Simple things like loading the contacts is so fast, even sliding between the details/messages/call history, and that stuff is very very important to me as I run a good chunk of my business off the phone. Viva Mr. X!
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