Originally Posted by jwdaniels23
I thank you for posting this cab, but although it was what I was looking for, I did not like it once I installed it. I deinstalled it but all I have is the old WM lock screen.... not the WM 6.5 lock screen. Any help please. Thanks!!
There used to a option in Start>Settings>Lock>3rd tab. It has since disappered but it allowed switching between 6.1 lock style and 6.5
Originally Posted by PhantomApolyon
- Unlock the phone after a hour or so of non-use and it takes 1-2 seconds to render the screen and refresh the weather.
- If you swipe up to pull the programs up after you haven't in a while, it hangs briefly before animating
- I can take the phone, turn it on, let it sit idle all day, and by 5:30 when I leave the office, its at about 65-70% memory usage and it started at 53% and was never used.
- Sometimes the MMS works for me, using the cab from page 1, and sometimes it doesn't...doesn't seem to be related to anything in specific that I can SEE.
- most likely a effect of the power management, which suspends everything during sleep. So time+weather etc need a moment to get up to speed...
-Yeah, I noticed and turnoff animations....
-Resorce Proxy
- I don't think it is your phone....might be your SP (service provider)