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Old 04-01-2010, 11:18 AM
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Re: Android/Linux for CDMA Touch Pro 2 Rhodium Updated 3-31-2010

Originally Posted by cflynt View Post
I think someone is actually working on it, but if you have already tested yours and it works, go ahead and post it as an attachment here and I will grab it and pass it on. I would as well like to see that incorporated so we have a complete keymap for all phones.

I haven't tested them, and I actually doubt I could ATM cause I just restarted back to WinMo a little bit ago and my battery is >10% right now, and I probably won't be able to charge it anytime soon either. I will still post them here if you (or anyone else) would like to try them out.

I'm guessing that to test it, I would have to first put the files in the correct place when booted into Android, then add a switch in the startup.txt file to tell it which keymap to use? There are 2 files attached. One is the .kcm file I changed, the other is just the RHOD400 .kl file renamed. If I get time later, I can also make sure all of the buttons are labeled correctly in the .kl file, but they are at least close enough for now.
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Last edited by imnuts; 04-05-2010 at 08:13 AM.