Originally Posted by rj_22
ok, I flashed back to stock, then back to mightyrom, and I'm having the same problem. The power button does not shut the phone down. Now what? Its not that big of a deal, but I do want it to work properly.
I think (as it has been stated) that USC phones use end as power
Originally Posted by ziggy471
Ask and you shall receive...
DotFred's Task Manager links for the non-organized Start Menu CLICK HERE
DotFred's Task Manager links for the organized Start Menu CLICK HERE
Added to FAQ
Originally Posted by loader187
which i understand that but is there a link that shows the difference between the flavors so I can decide without having to ask everyone.
6.5.3 has the taskbar (start menu, etc) at the bottom. That is the main cosmetic difference.
Originally Posted by Boominsvx
IMNUTS: I think I found a bug in your Sprint MMS cabs showing under the user agent key located at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Arcsoft\ArcSoft MMS UA\Config\mm1\WspHeader and also WspHeader2.
User-Agent key shows a value of pcdxv6875 instead of T7380. As soon as I changed this up and rebooted (for good measure) I could finally send a text to myself, but still got a perminent error when it came back through. After a few more hard resets to clear changes and further troubleshooting, I came across a change that seemed to fix this also.
The key located at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Arcsoft\ArcSoft MMS UA\Config\mm1 labeled AppendURI turned out to be the issue. Changing this from 1 to 0 allowed me to send/recieve MMS properly. I'll try to get around to some further testing this afternoon, but I've been up all night. need sleep.
For anyone else having an issue with the sprint MMS cab posted on page one, here's a quick rundown. This may work with other carriers, but I haven't tested any further than sprint to see how far the wave travels.
If you can't send an MMS on Sprint:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Arcsoft\ArcSoft MMS UA\Config\mm1\WspHeader
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Arcsoft\ArcSoft MMS UA\Config\mm1\WspHeader2
Edit the User-Agent key in both of these locations to a value of T7380. (Replacing pcdxv6875) Reboot and try to send yourself an MMS. The Icon should show it uploading in the taskbar with a check mark when it's done. If it does not, you have bigger issues than I can help with. If it works congrats.
If you can send but recieve a "Perminent Error" message instead of the pic you sent go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Arcsoft\ArcSoft MMS UA\Config\mm1 and change the value of AppendURI from 1 to 0. Now try sending again.
(Just for those that need it before anything gets fixed.)
Mighty, sorry I strayed there for a bit. I'm back now. Just wasn't feeling the energy. <-- Sleepy pun. 
I added a link to this in the FAQ, but it works perfect for me without this...
Originally Posted by TalliWackr
My brother and I are both using imnuts and there doesn't seem to be issues. Working fine on the Now Network
And you too...
Originally Posted by Naveronski
I had been using a different MMS version. I switched to the newly posted ones with this newest MR update.
I cannot send pictures. I can get them fine, but cannot receive.
What did you install?
Originally Posted by imaginethis1
does ANYONE experience a pretty significant lag when sliding out of the Home tab on manila 2.5 roms?? i always read around the forums that 2.5 now runs just as smoothly as 2.1...but i don't see this at all. it runs smoothly after the first boot, but as soon as i put in some quicklinks, the tabs are choppy when sliding from the Home tab.
this can't just be me experiencing this problem. if anyone can help, please do so. thanks!!
Yes, I do. It is related to how much you have on their. For example, no location on = WAY less lag
Originally Posted by Boominsvx
I believe you're right, and I know this has been working for most. Perhaps I should mention (Since I forgot to before) that I'm on a sprint phone using boost mobile cdma as my carrier. This may be no problem for the way things are set up on a normal sprint phone, but for some reason it didn't play nice with boost. Usually I just change the server address and it will take right off. Everything else remains the same, as it uses sprint's network for everything anyway. I only saw this as a way to further diversify the file for use with better support. In retrospect, I guess if the file works, it works, but if it does not, the reg settings provided in my original post are an option. If it fixed it for me by only being more specific in telling the reg that my phone is actually what it is, and seeing as the current key value entry is obviously not the phone model anyone here is using, I guess I was saying "diversify" and you are say don't fix what aint broken. Perfectly fine by me. I can do a few reg changes when I need them. Food for thought if you ever plan on doing an update to the version that came with the new sprint rom. I only found it on one rom so far. Not sure of what updates are involved.
And that may be why yuou need all those changes listed above...
Originally Posted by abednego
Mike should cook in Opera Mini 5 as the default browser for his next release 
Not stock
Originally Posted by SLCMotor
I had the Blue theme I got on mightyrom.com, but since then I installed the tjElite dialer and it works fine now.
All those themes are not good since they are for 2.1
Originally Posted by Kane3162
does anyone happen to keep a "bug" list (you know like a bug tracker) I have seen quite a few things reported (over 75% of them user/.cab related) and id just like to see whats up... (for MR of course not Stock)
I try to keep one in the bottom of the third post...
Originally Posted by i4get75
Anyone else get a MightyROM update notification tonight?
I'm Back, FAQ updated/ing
Originally Posted by b4u2
I came from the Diamond and Touch Pro. I used ROMs with Windows 6.5 that had the start menu at the bottom. Is that still an option? I really liked that feature.
Yes, called 6.5.3 not yet here for mightyrom...coming soon