Better part of a day in and seems very stable and fast. Battery seems good also, not measured. Data connection to Sprint, for the 1st time ever is a little odd. After doing all my Sashimi 'stuff', including some normal Win6.5.5 and Sense 2.5 registry entries, I found my network set to 'Global'. I normally change that 1st thing, so maybe I forgot. Anyway, my dialer wasn't right, so I set myself to 'CDMA only' and fixed the dialer, but my data connection took a couple of soft resets to calm down and stop asking me for a userid (not necessary on Sprint). I 'think' I'm all good now.
Originally Posted by mikedboyd
Flashed from SD just fine (30Mar with no Cookie or Max cooked in). I do get a noticable hesitation on the 'Sim card detected, going Global' screen. Hit OK and it just sits there. Have to hit the hard return button to get past it. Seems really good otherwise.