About Finster's RDP & resolutions...
Hey, Everyone,
'Need help w/ Finster's Remote Desktop. I've set everything fine and can connect flawlessly. However, I can never get the prog to show the whole desktop, whether it be "Fit remote desktop to screen" (w/ or w/o using "Fullscreen" ('won't show scrollbars, either)) or not. Aside from being an ad-hoc AP, this was one of the most important features I'd needed. BTW, my notebook supports only 800x600 and 1024x768. 'Thought Nyditot Virtual Display'd help if I'd set the device resolution to either 480x640 (portrait) or 768x1024 (portrait) (and, therefore, the reciprocals in landscape), that it'd display the whole remote desktop, but the prog sux @$$ on the Titan! So, this is my SOS, and any help'd be SOo bitchin'.