Originally Posted by cocoabro
Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but my Twitter Home Tab actually is Twitter (looking at NRG tweets right now). I'm on March 30th 23554 Cookie.
Originally Posted by Riptide9
Are you using Sashimi to import reg settings? I had my home tabs settings/order being setup automatically. But it would rewrite that whole registry section for the home tabs and wouldn't let me re-arange anything. I had to hardreset after removing that reg file from sashimi.
Um.. that's odd. I do have a reg edit, but I didn't think that would do anything to the actual application. I do not have Twitter at all on the 23554 Cookie. The Home Tab labeled as Twitter is actually Facebook. I'm going to remove my reg edit from XDA and hard reset...
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\HTC\Manila\Configurati on\12]