Originally Posted by sc00b4s7eve
Nice collection of updated EXT's bro.
btw, I think rstoyguy would appreciate the heads up so he can mirror your attchments on his Custom EXT's for VK thread.
Also I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm going on vacation/camping for almost all of April. The EVO probably won't be out yet so I'll see you all when I get back.
I am trying to upload a bunch of stuff to my Mediashare folder before I go. I'll give you all my ROM and 28232VK. It should help a bunch of you with examples of one way to use Indagroove's EXT to setup your custom Start Menu.
No flashing most of the month? thoese CA (Calkulin's Addicts) meetings must be working for ya. I may have to start attending.
Have fun. You will be missed.