Originally Posted by JFettig
I have been running android for a week or two now and am having the same issue throughout a few builds,
I get a few random crashes, it reboots the device(tp), usually happens when I hit the home(power) button to see the time then unlock it, it'll reboot from time to time.
Also, I ran the 3/19 all-in-one package and eventually those reboots got worse and it got to the point where I couldn't make a call, it'd just reboot every time.
I updated the rootfs and zimage and it worked for a few more days and now when I make a call the screen goes black but the top bar is still there, I guess it connects to the other side but I can't hear anything, they can hear me. This is using google voice and my cell number.
Any ideas why it is doing this?
When you updated the roots ans stuff did you put together fresh files??? Im asking because that happens to me when i just update the files and put them into the sd card and not make one whole new andboot file...
EDIT 1: If i put my own data file into my new build n zip it up for you all to try would that work??? The data part is what i need to kno..