Originally Posted by mrsmdh
I've tried three times to download the 3-30 rom and it says each time the RUU is broken.
not sure what to tell you there, the ruu is 100% fine, same ruu i've been using since i've started. You must be having some kind of issue with the download, and that's something I can't really trouble shoot. Lots of people have downloaded the file from the ftp and all seemed to have worked.
Originally Posted by Tannerj
Dibbs, I am unable to get the UC to work with xml and sdconfig.txt files. cabs install just fine. I have followed everything on the first post. I know I am just doing something wrong or miss an important step, however I am not getting it to work. any help would be greatly appreciated.
also great rom.... downloading and flashing now... tannerj
XML is the only thing the UC won't catch. I have mentioned it before, but you can put your xml into cab form and do it that way. There are threads that talk about how to do that.
Also why would you need the sdconfig.txt? The UC catches pretty much everything.