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Old 03-31-2010, 09:24 AM
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Re: [ROM] MyClean-Imagio-21874-Sense2.5-CHT-FacebookSense-Mar28th [Build 1.3]

Originally Posted by adortab View Post
Try this patch/fix, it will now open tmail instead of manila email...
at least here, when deleted, does not show up again...

Thanks for your work, but I may have not been completely clear on what I meant. I'll try to re-explain.
It's not when you open an email, it deletes it when you acutally open the email, read it then delete it. It's when you are just in the email tab and you hit menu--->delete. It deletes it from the screen and then next time it upadates, it's back.
In settings, I do have it set to delete from server.
But you can't change the account setting from the tab, it just takes you to setup new email.
Just to be clear, this is only happening from the menu softkey on the email tab, once you open the email then it's fine.

Thanks again.
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