Alright people, so any information would be greatly appreciated.
Has anyone tried my shitty fix and gotten it to temporarily work with out the random pausing?
If not, then why is this only working for me and not anybody else?
I'd also like to know if anyone else has noticed the Album art refreshing right before the song pauses? Or is this just me?
Is there a small circle spinning to the right of the small "Album Art Download" icon directly under neither the WinMo 6.5 button?
What build/carrier/device are you using? Verizon, Sprint, AT&T, T-Mobile?
Watch my video if you want to know what I'm talking about with the Album refreshing and the spinning circle art download icon.
So far, a whole lot of Sprint 6.5 upgraders confirmed with a HTC Imagio Verizon as well.
Looking like the sole creator of this problem is HTC Sense.
Tomorrow I've got some free time and I think I'm going to try another SD card and see if this continues.