Originally Posted by djdafreund
Yeah, same thing happening here. Using a Touch Pro, March 30, Sense2.5. Nothing in "storage card\XDA_UC\ -cabs and -reg's" gets installed. And when trying to load the tool "XDA UC" app, it just says ""You don't have an XDA_UC folder on your internal storage". Funny thing is, i copied over my folder to internal storage, and it STILL says that. I followed the instructions in the XDA UC posts, but it seems according to that, for cooked rom's with it in (NRG being noted), nothing needs to be done other then copying over whatever CAB files and registries into the 'storage card\XDA_UC' directory. I know this is new, but is there something i'm missing still by chance?
I dug into it a bit. It looks like the XDAUC.mscr sets the folder to look for the XDA_UC directory in to "Internal Storage" for some odd reason. This directory doesn't exist obviously, so it fails. I edited out where it does that and ran it again manually from the tools folder in the start menu, it worked successfully then.
I kinda liked the old UC better, there's no progress bar or anything on the new one to let you know it's working.