Originally Posted by caveritt
I am waiting for the newest version of cookie home tab to come out. Looks it will have a manila feel screen lock included in it. I would not put too much time in the lock screen, but would include the new CHT when it come out.
As for everything else...
1. Battery is calming down and getting great use out of it
2. Have not gotten above 70% mem usage
3. Bottom lock screen has frozen on me a couple of times
4. Slacker Radio started stopping around 3 minutes into the first song. Used B&B to change TCP settings... Have not seen it again.
Unless there are some big changes I will be sticking with 1.3 for a while.
Thanks for the excellent work!
Thank you... the new lockscreen is out... (attached, and at the download 1st page), now the wallpaper is fixed not shared with manila or start menu, and you can customize it as well (file:
lockscreen.png inside
windows folder), the notifications should now stick, so when you receive MMS, SMS, etc... a number will show on the slider (total number of events/notifications), then you can just
tap it... and after the animation another slider will show up according to the notification, and should take you right to were it supposed to... (ie. SMS, tmail..)... i tested a for while...its pretty neat...
I recommend to install it twice, depending on the version of rom you have, it may not ask you to restart after the first install... (due to some files that does not exist on your version, I guess! lol)... so just in case... install it again...
Remember, after reset, wait a few seconds until manila is completely loaded....as usual!
Please post results and mods ... if you have WinCe Cab Manager, you can see the files that were modded in order to make it work....
Thanks again...