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Old 03-31-2010, 12:04 AM
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Re: WM 6.5 Custom Taskbar

Originally Posted by bhint15 View Post
I am trying to make my own using the knowledge of which dll files control which on the taskbar and I'm looking for a dll editor to work with. I have tried reshacker and a few others and they save the dll but when I put it in the phone it loads up a default set of icons up top....if i put like tsowens dlls in then it loads up fine. I have installed sdkcerts before messing with any of this and have done the regedits to use phcanOverbmp.dll for a lot of it. I have a Touch Pro2 with 6.5 Stock rom...thanks in advance!

Also I am using unsigner and msigner before and after my edits. Also I can unsign/sign tsowens or others working taskbars and when I load mine in it will go back to default.
i like new taskbars bro any chance of posting a screenie of what yours is gonna look like?
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