Originally Posted by codybear
Nice concept.
Never really thought of something like this before...
Nicely done.
Thank you sir!
Originally Posted by NYCspeedSurfer
RE: Auto .nbh file extraction..... Since I don't have a laptop or desktop pc, I have successfully 'SD Flashed" about 8 times so far - completely PC-less and THANKS TO YOUr appl! Having searched for many roms, i can tell you that the rom file and compression method vary widely... the rom might be an .exe extracted by pockrtRar, or the original d/l file might be a zipped up .exe (2 layers of extraction), others use the 7zip format (WinRar for the PC is allegedly able to read this type.. dunno - I do know that PocketRar (ver 3.93) wouldn't for me. In short - the function of auto-extracting 'RUU_signed.nbh' could be a bit daunting. Just thought I'd throw that out there since your original Q: was somrthing like "would [auto-extraction] confuse NooBies".
I keep the Roms on my SD card right off the root (e.g. Storage Card/ROMS/[RomDeveloper(i.e. Mighty)]/LatestRom.exe,OtherRom.exe
As is the case with some Music Players that follow a strict hierarchy (music/artist/album/song1,song2), your programming may take-on a similar face in order to produce results across multiusers.
Anyway... Keep up the great work!
Thank you very much for your input! I've looked into it and you are correct. I haven't tried to narrow down what allows to look into other dirs for nbh files. Hopefully can do that soon. This should hopefully allow looking into ever dir for them, since exe extraction doesn't look to swell.