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Old 01-24-2008, 02:50 PM
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C’mon - Some of you people are completely ignorant! I am a current user of the Sprint Touch and former owner of the xv6600. The xv6600 was enormous and had excellant video playback and was quite fast. I bought that device 4 years ago and now I go out and spend more money for a device that performs worse than technology of 4 years ago and I am supposed to be “OK” with that. Look - nobody cares if your a software developer or whatever, we - the vast majority - are simply unhappy paying good money for poor performance. It is not “OK” to put up with this nonsense and thank God that people are not! HTC should simply do the right thing. Consumers have been so used to getting screwed that comments like some of the above are simply outrageous. Can you imagine if the slaves just sat back and did nothing? I know - I know - but the reality is you wouldn’t be “OK” if you purchased a car that was the same 4 years later and have it go slower and the stereo was intermitant and video playback on the dvd player was screwed up. Consumers - roll your sleeves and don’t stop until we get some resolution!!!!