Originally Posted by Hawaii Tom
Amazing, this just happened to me yesterday. It's the only major problem I've had with this ROM. When I checked my reg setting it said phCanimage.dll rather than image2. That fixed it! Can't figure out why it worked OK for 3 weeks before failing. Weird!
OMJ: I'm with you re: EVO. I've been haunting the forums daily looking for mentions of the HTC Supersonic. Happy to hear it's officially real. We already have 4G Clear WiMax service in Hawaii and I'm already on Sprint, so I should be able to use it immediately. Till then, your ROM has breathed new life into my TD. I love it so much I don't even dare go from 1.1 to 1.2 .
actually you want both reg entries, 1 for phCanimage.dll & 1 for phCanimage2.dll