Originally Posted by dibbson
That snooze cab you posted when I looked at it only changes the look of the notifications, I didn't see anything that would change the actual snooze options.
Ok, so geekdaddy got me thinking about this as it does bother me. I like the HTC Notifications look, but hate that it does not have options for different snooze times.
Dibbs, the cab geeksdaddy posted disables the HTC notification popup and defaults to the WM notification popup which has different snooze options.
I did a little research on the issue. The way to disable the HTC notification popup is by regediting HKLM\System\Shell\Notification\OEM\CustomUIDLL and change the value from "NotificationLayout.dll" to something else.
The above reg settings leads me to believe the whole Notification Popup is controlled by the above DLL. So in order to get different snooze times we will need to replace the dll with a new one, or decompile it, edit it, and recompile it.
Not sure if anyone has decompiled any of the HTC dll files on WM. If someone gives me some pointers I am willing to try to edit it.... but the last time I decompiled a file it got nasty.